Monday, March 1, 2010

coming back to words.....

Gooood morning...
Indeed it feels like a great morning just as a write this. Just as i simply Qrite and let me thought just flow through my fingers onto the keyboard.
I ve been wanting to get back to blogging since the longest time, but somehow just couldnt manage to open the link fo0r some vague reasons.
My angels would tell me this often to get back to my blog, but guess I was just being too lazy, and thanx to a very dear friend of mine fm NYC, Nayan, who just bought me back to this site first thing in the morning....
Been a while i let me energies flow in form of words.....
Not that i havent written last 7 months. but havent been focused enough to share it....
so here I am... a Brand new me.... from last what you read .....
waiting to fly in realms of words.....:)
keeping you posted about the roller coaster ride ive been through last 8 months... indeed the best phase of my life.....
over n out for now...
thanx N.......
love & light,

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back Tamanna... I read the note you wrote in The Compass for me and you are simply the best =).... Hope you keep posting everyday... and hope I see you soon.
