Saturday, July 30, 2011

7 steps to deal with current energies untill 11th August 2011

On this day, the Goddess of pink flame of compassion and mercy Kwan Yin bestows upon you the right energies in order to take complete charge of your life, now onwards.
The energies have torn and tattered everything possible. Every soul right now is looking for an answer, primarily pertaining to the weakest link of their life. For some its health, relationship, career, finances and for those who have everything, its inner peace. This is the time for your priorities to be aligned. All this while we have been working and moving forward in areas of our life which are the strongest. If our career is good, we are busy focusing on that. If we are in love and a healthy relationship, we tend to over look our responsibilities towards our self and our life purpose or career path. If we are so much into ourselves, we are going through issues in our relationship. The energies right now are playing a role of balancing it out. But before we balance it out its very important for us to be aware of our weakest link. Times have come in the past when we were to shift our awareness, but unfortunately it hasn’t happened to that degree or level of awareness, hence here by the energies right now until 11th August have been heavy, and painful only to bring to surface our weakest link.
Once we have identified our weak link, the second step is to accept it. We are constantly in denial and escape mode. We just do not wish to accept that it’s that aspect of our life which needs balancing.

After accepting it, the next step is to be open to transfer. Everyone wants to reach a point of ascension and peace, but not many are willing to change/ transform. The will to shed, heal and transform is good enough at least for the process to begin. Once the will and intent is created within you, the universe will gracefully send situations and people in our life, that will help us transform.

The third step is listening. We keep waiting all our lives to look for solutions, not realizing that the universe is sending us solutions through our own people. We often tend to neglect or ignore it only because we feel that people out there to hurt our ego. It’s the hurt to the ego that blocks of from listening. When the universe wants to communicate something to you, it cannot be abstract. It can only reach you through your closest people or other messages. We have to allow ourselves to follow the guidance that will help us shed our old patterns and make the weak links of our life stronger.

The forth step is the most difficult one. It is the step of self acceptance and compassion. Every time we sit and think about the weakness that lies within us, we slip into a tunnel of self guilt or self pity. We go back to the times of whom and what made us the way we are. And then we tend to distract our ego from the problem to just a dramatic event that took place in our life years ago. The point is not to give into the drama. It is OK to make mistakes. It is absolutely ok not to have realized it earlier. What is NOT OK TODAY is not to make the most of the awareness that is coming to you NOW.
Only with this attitude one can move gracefully into an act of self love and compassion. You have to be gentle with yourself. Only when you are gentle with yourself, you will be able to transfer the gentle grace of love and compassion into your life and others around you.

The fifth step is, letting go. After self acceptance and compassion, it’s very important for you to let go or forgive the situations of people that have caused that particular link in your life to be weak.
For example- If your relationship with your partner is your weak point. It’s probably because of someone in your past relationship has hurt you, or there have been situations with the same partner that have weakened the link today. In order to strengthen your link today, you need to either let go of the situation that has happened in the past, or forgive the person who has caused the link to be weak.
The same can also be valid for your career, health or any other aspect of your life that is going through an in balance.

The sixth step is to be silent. It’s very important, that after you have gone through the first five steps, you maintain a code of conduct through silence and grounding. By silence I don’t mean to seal your lips. I mean to seal your thoughts. You can communicate with everyone and still be silence from within. It might be a little difficult in the beginning but after the first 2-3 days, it will gracefully and naturally come to you. Make sure the words that you choice or topic of conversations is only in progressive state and not regressive. If you feel the need to communicate, allow yourself to choose words that will better the situation and talks about the future, rather than going back to the past mode.
Usually when we go through a state of awareness, we find a strong need to communicate and blurt our feelings out, in the regressive manner, which leads to blame games, anger and guilt. This can be thoroughly avoided.

The last and the most important step are BALANCING. After all of the above, it’s very important for us to channelize our awareness, compassion, self acceptance, acceptance towards others in a balance manner.
It is only through channelling these energies in the right manner; we can create a state of balance in our life. The awareness is good enough for our own being, but in order to enjoy the peace in the physical realm it HAS TO BE channelized through physical gestures, communication and act. Usually people learn their lessons, are aware in the mental and emotional state. They go through a series of transformation, but it’s all in the mind and emotional level. But in the physical realm they still continue to work with the previous pattern of act.
Balance can only be achieved by channelling what lies within to what you reflect outside.

Wishing you tons of love, light and success in this crucial time phase…
More energy channelized messages coming up as the cycle shifts.

Loads of love and light,
Tamanna C

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

20th April.Galactic Portal- Tamanna C.

From the highest masters and powers of ashtars, spiritual gateway protectors and masters of knowledge and communication galactic Gabrielle, Adonia and Meryphyll, sending you messages for the next big step after your spiritual gateway opening.
As many of you who have risen to a certain frequency of your karmic doings, and feel lighter and have gone through your healing process, this message comes strongly as your next step. After all that who you been through, and learnt from various energies, you are now a product of spiritual gateway light falling on you. We have been preparing to enter this gateway from decades. This is the galactic portal that the illuminates has been talking about and have made sure that the process of higher souls entering this portal is delayed. For the awakened one’s it’s happened at a conscious and sub conscious level both. For some, we still haven’t crossed the portal. All this while, the lessons and choices you have made are according to your physical being desires, needs, wants. All this while you have spent time in nurturing your pain and wound that exist physically. Just like you, everyone else around is going through the same changes. The light that falls upon them may be strong for them to handle thus awakening under lying toxics and reflections from one person to an idea. The idea is to stand by every soul and help them realize what the light and its functioning all about. The light (or situations that cause pain in form of healing energies) provide for the release of under lying toxics, shifts in individual frequency, allowing us to enter to portal with much grace. This portal has been partly opened and only those awakened, with higher strength has managed to pass through it, battling out life and its problems on another realm. While you may go through various experiences that might awaken you to hard hitting reality, others may be blinded towards it. Now is the time it spread the light around and allows others to feel the shift. This can only happen if you show some compassion and love, towards making others realize the importance of their own being. While we went through it, we must have had our own masters, teachers, friends and family who probably made it easy for us. Today look around in your life and see all the people who need to go through this spiritual shift. Spiritual shift need not necessarily happen with spiritual learning. It can even happen with awareness brought about by love, compassion and understanding towards other soul. Allow them to experience a chance for the light to touch them. Allow them to feel it the way you felt it during your time. Help them realize, and dissolve their fears. See what they need and what they are battling out in their life and allow them to be present to it, just the way you did and you are right now to this message.
We are all parts of same soul group. Just our responsibilities are different. But in times like this, we all work for one cause which is making sure that the every soul of our soul group is able to cross through this galactic portal. Its importance. The importance of this cannot be explained right now, but in the near future, it will be revealed soon. For now we need to work as a team of the galactic plan and play our roles in allowing others to bring about a shift in them. If you feel somewhere you are also going through a shift and feel weak to help others around, allow you to understand the importance of the shift. Allow yourself to know that you deserve it and letting go of everything you are holding onto will be worth the shift.
It’s time to work as the torch bearers, for people in our personal life. While there are others who are doing the same, on a higher level and amongst masses, there are 144000 volunteer galactic light workers as human incarnates allowing people to pass through this portal. While they may be completing their purpose, today we as masters have allowed you to do the same, but first starting with yourself, and them allowing everyone in your family to find their light, so that they can spread it further on to the people in their life. We all work for a cause. The cause is holding the light that belongs to none but us. This light is our only saving grace in times to come.
Allow it to happen to you right now and only then you will find the will and importance of others finding their light.

The silence within.

19th April.

You wake up on a morning like this and all of a sudden find your life at peace and stand still... you feel a disconnect with the world, but then you feel a re connect with yourself. You feel a sense of calmness and strength take over your mind. You realize all the words in your head have disappeared. Words said by others to you. Words said by you to yourself… words said by you to others in your mind, all dissolve to eternal silence somewhere on the core level of your mind.

You wake up feeling the world around you doesn’t exist. You feel that you have just woken up from a long sleep, and now back to work of restarting your life. You try to go back to previous emotions and it’s just simply hard to feel the same.

You just feel as if those painful moments have left your life light years ago. They are just fragments of memory in your mind. You can vaguely see it but feel nothing. And all I’m talking about must have just happened 12 hrs ago. That’s how it works.

You try to think what great deal of work you have done to feel this in the morning. You know your day is about to begin but you have no idea when and where your first step is going to be. Crazy busy schedules, and you have no idea how you will find the energy to work amidst this, but you know there is going to be enough as the day proceeds. It’s the work if your inner silence…

The strength to gather all the words in your mind and heart, and allowing it to dissolve it to nothingness is the art of a silence performed in silence.

We will never figure out how and what happened while you were asleep, was there a fairy working here magic, or was it memory loss. It is just that you have turned cold or its simple you have better reasons to smile. None what so ever. The silence within you engulfs your weakest points and creates an explosions within which has no choice but to leave your body while you don’t even realize in what way it pass through you….

It happens to all of us... I still haven’t figured how the silence came around into me, but it just came when I asked for it… I don’t say long prayers or begged for it. I dint tune myself conditionally. I just accepted it gracefully, knowing that it will come one day… and it finally happened.

If it comes to you, allow it happen… don’t question or dissolve it. Cause once its dissolved you may never find it back….. You just need to blend in with it….. the silence within can dissolve all words said in all dimensions…… makes you feel complete even when you know you are standing still with no one in close proximity. You just feel secure even when no one comes to you and you go to no one. The serenity is felt on all levels. On the physical level you initially might feel numb and just when you get use to it, you begin to feel happy. You finally feel at ease with yourself and all differences around you. In fact you don’t see the differences any more. You see nothing. You are just tuned to what you need to do for the day.

On a mental level, you are just blank. You don’t want to take any decisions or judgements. You don’t find the need to take control or know what’s going on.

On an emotional level, you are simply happy. You may not see yourself smiling in the mirror but you know you are happy.

On a sub conscious level you are fully aware of yours and only your responsibility and you exactly know how to complete. The fatigue and tiredness just vanishes.

The silence within is something that can happen to us everyday… it may dawn upon you just once in a while, but when you hold onto to it, it can slowly become a part of you.

it’s the ultimate strength of yours that will works through you each day of your even, even if or not people walk with you.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Your choice of your choosing body. Channelized message throguh St. Germain

At any given time, human mind is so bogged down by what it sees and hears that we are unable to see ourselves as who we truly are. We are constantly trying to change to fit in this world, people around us, society and by the end of it still find ourselves being unhappy with people or people being unhappy with us. That’s because we are constantly shelling out energy in doing something which may or may not be in your karmas. You are constantly trying to provide for energy that is not meant for you to do, and in this process you land up being drained out. If it’s in your karmas, it will happen very gracefully. The transfer of energy may not be draining. Even if the situation may cause hurt or pain to your ego or heart, your soul will be intact. That’s is because it’s for a dual energy exchange on a karmic level, but in certain situations no matter how much we try and what we do, things might certainly not work out the way it is meant to be, that’s simply because we chose to take it up as a challenge to your ego, and chose to go through pain in order to defy the karmas. Only if we were to accept graceful, and choose not with ego but with our karmas, the painful situations and wounds will start to heal and diminish. The choices made of karmas happen at a very sub conscious soul level and consciously it’s not known to us. Sometimes even if we try hard, it will only be revealed at the right time. In the mean time, you need to accept and surrender gracefully rather than taking it up as a challenge to your ego. The challenge will only make you feel depressed, low on confidence, self-doubt and self-guilt. Whereas surrender will bring to you acceptance and gratitude, which will further play a role in the true awakening of your being. You need to stop your struggle and battle with your ego. If your ego chooses, your ego gets hurt and you suffer, but if you are ego-less your soul chooses, learns, and grows and you awaken. It all depends on your choice of the choosing body within yourself. Be the ego on the surface, you will always find your source of pain. Be the love within, and you will find your source of love. The above message is a channelized message from St. Germain as received by Tamanna on 18th April.

Forgviness- Channelized message through Kwan Yin. 16th April

Dear readers, I Kwan-Yin, come to you from pink ray of love, healing mercy and forgiveness. Through this channelized message I wish to convey a strong and turning pint that is going to come up in your life soon enough. Though many of you who already are aware must be going through this phase right now, and for those, the reality will come to surface few days from now. Life has been constantly changing and somehow in the mode, other’s influence on you has increased multi fold. While you may not realize how other souls affect and rub against your energies, the effects are further carried on in your life. Not only people from the present, but you are holding onto to energies form people you have encountered years ago also. All the pain, wounds and hurt caused by others are somewhere starts to rise to surface right now, either through physical uneasiness, memory or emotional pain. This is the time to let go, acknowledge and forgive. It’s not about them, but it’s about you here, its abut universe testing your strength of forgiveness. While you may hold onto smallest of experiences and blame other low frequency souls, not realized that somewhere god put you in their life to learn certain lessons, which they must have learnt through you, or through someone else after you, or they may still be struggling to learn with it. The question you often ask to yourself- why me? That’s simply because it’s on you who could have done it for them at that point and in that dimension of life. Sometimes we go through pain for others to learn lessons. Now is the time the universe is helping you to let go and forgive all that you need to. Sometimes deep within we know exactly what needs release but we are unable to do so. But this energy cycle will graceful allow the process to begin, all you need to do is put an intent. Remember we all are here for our own growth and also growth of other souls around us, as we learn and hurt, so do others around us. While we may seek forgiveness from people with an intention of being forgiven, every soul has the right to be forgiven for the knowing and unknowing. In forgiving and seeking forgiveness, lies the key to the inner being of love, compassion and acceptance which will further polish your power of innocence and return to your true being

Healing Light. Channelized message from Archangel Uriel. 11th April

12th April 2011. My dear readers and light workers... I archangel Uriel come to you in healing light, that will be governing the energies of this day. The earth s energies have transmitted from shifting energies to healing energies and today we are about to enter a new fold dimension of light, with while only focus on healing. All the damage that the previous energies have caused to your psyche will be healed. You need to firstly be aware that you need to give up on self blame. I have been noticing and seeing that people often land up blaming themselves for occurrence, whereby it could simply be the effect of shifting energies in your life. Throughout the day, notice all new people and situations coming to your life. It’s all happening for a reason. These people you encounter, situations or even a simple note like this will help you in your healing process. Pay attention to your thoughts and be in surrender knowing that the green light of divine healing will only replenish and cleanse you inside out. You need to give up on your fears and insecurities and allow yourself to witness and encounter new situations and people. The universe exactly knows what you need to heal and hereby bringing in those souls who can help you heal exactly the way you want to. You may meet people from the past or even think about them today. Use this as an opportunity to let go of previous baggage, anger, guilt and pain. As you take the first step you will find people also heal around you. Just like the way people come to you for your healing, god will be placing you in other’s life for their healing. Just be open and make the most out of this oppurtunity to touch other’s soul for their higher purpose. Be blessed… for this day... Be the healing light… for yourself

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Let it Go- channelized message from Kwan Yin

This is Kwan Yin. Messenger of love and compassion who comes from the 6th ray of pink love. As this point, I see so many of you all go through so much pain, anger, guilt, self- blame and other blames. I see the energies of earth and energies around you are just on the basis of escaping responsibility, and blaming. Just as when things are not under your control, we look for various situations to blame. We do not realize that those situations are mere experience, but the minute we hurt our self from within, we feel the situation or people around us are hurting us. How can mere experience hurt anyone so deep? We have exposed our internal self so much so that, besides pain, we feel nothing. We are numb to love and compassion. We have stopped acknowledging warmth of relationships and now only understand the blame and guilty. Our decisions in today s day are driven by the same. That’s why the decisions we take don’t last forever. We are constantly changing with our decisions because the foundation of the decision is not right. Any decision based on anger, guilt, hatred or pain will not work the best for you. If you wish to take a stand or decision that will be life long, base it on the foundation or love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness. Expand your heart to the wholeness of universal love, rather than contracting it to your fears. It simply blocks the flow of divine love, not only towards others but also towards you. The decisions you intend to take right now, may be on the basis of blame and insecurities arising out of mere experience, and not the intentions of other s around you. Be careful of what you choose, because the choice that you make today is something you will have stick through. Earlier the universal energies would support the positive energies, but since the shift has been occurring, the universal energies have started to support anything and everything that you do, even if it causes pain. This cycle is irreversible. So if you feel that the energies around you will help you take your decision back as time passes by, you are wrong. What you chose today will be your choice for ever. Times are changing, and the energies want you to learn to take responsibility for your own doings, good bad and ugly. No matter what you do you will find yourself regretting any decisions based on blames, anger and pain? It’s time to let it go, and simply understand that any experience or situation is caused by karmas and universal energies, we are only a part of it. Don’t allow your experiences to be a part of you. You are complete and whole when you were born; today you have been taken over by experiences of life, and allowed them to take the space that was meant for universal love and light. Don’t allow it to happen. Let go of all that you need to. The more you hold on, the more you lose yourself. Expand yourself to the wholeness of universal love, and you won’t find any room for pain and experiences. Allow this to happen before 2nd July 2011, cause until then the universe will support your being, thereafter the universe will only support the pain and other experiences that you carry from within. I ask you to allow yourself to shine with endless love, compassion and forgiveness not only towards others but also yourself.