Dear readers, I Kwan-Yin, come to you from pink ray of love, healing mercy and forgiveness. Through this channelized message I wish to convey a strong and turning pint that is going to come up in your life soon enough. Though many of you who already are aware must be going through this phase right now, and for those, the reality will come to surface few days from now. Life has been constantly changing and somehow in the mode, other’s influence on you has increased multi fold. While you may not realize how other souls affect and rub against your energies, the effects are further carried on in your life. Not only people from the present, but you are holding onto to energies form people you have encountered years ago also. All the pain, wounds and hurt caused by others are somewhere starts to rise to surface right now, either through physical uneasiness, memory or emotional pain. This is the time to let go, acknowledge and forgive. It’s not about them, but it’s about you here, its abut universe testing your strength of forgiveness. While you may hold onto smallest of experiences and blame other low frequency souls, not realized that somewhere god put you in their life to learn certain lessons, which they must have learnt through you, or through someone else after you, or they may still be struggling to learn with it. The question you often ask to yourself- why me? That’s simply because it’s on you who could have done it for them at that point and in that dimension of life. Sometimes we go through pain for others to learn lessons. Now is the time the universe is helping you to let go and forgive all that you need to. Sometimes deep within we know exactly what needs release but we are unable to do so. But this energy cycle will graceful allow the process to begin, all you need to do is put an intent. Remember we all are here for our own growth and also growth of other souls around us, as we learn and hurt, so do others around us. While we may seek forgiveness from people with an intention of being forgiven, every soul has the right to be forgiven for the knowing and unknowing. In forgiving and seeking forgiveness, lies the key to the inner being of love, compassion and acceptance which will further polish your power of innocence and return to your true being
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