Sunday, April 17, 2011

Healing Light. Channelized message from Archangel Uriel. 11th April

12th April 2011. My dear readers and light workers... I archangel Uriel come to you in healing light, that will be governing the energies of this day. The earth s energies have transmitted from shifting energies to healing energies and today we are about to enter a new fold dimension of light, with while only focus on healing. All the damage that the previous energies have caused to your psyche will be healed. You need to firstly be aware that you need to give up on self blame. I have been noticing and seeing that people often land up blaming themselves for occurrence, whereby it could simply be the effect of shifting energies in your life. Throughout the day, notice all new people and situations coming to your life. It’s all happening for a reason. These people you encounter, situations or even a simple note like this will help you in your healing process. Pay attention to your thoughts and be in surrender knowing that the green light of divine healing will only replenish and cleanse you inside out. You need to give up on your fears and insecurities and allow yourself to witness and encounter new situations and people. The universe exactly knows what you need to heal and hereby bringing in those souls who can help you heal exactly the way you want to. You may meet people from the past or even think about them today. Use this as an opportunity to let go of previous baggage, anger, guilt and pain. As you take the first step you will find people also heal around you. Just like the way people come to you for your healing, god will be placing you in other’s life for their healing. Just be open and make the most out of this oppurtunity to touch other’s soul for their higher purpose. Be blessed… for this day... Be the healing light… for yourself

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