From the highest masters and powers of ashtars, spiritual gateway protectors and masters of knowledge and communication galactic Gabrielle, Adonia and Meryphyll, sending you messages for the next big step after your spiritual gateway opening.
As many of you who have risen to a certain frequency of your karmic doings, and feel lighter and have gone through your healing process, this message comes strongly as your next step. After all that who you been through, and learnt from various energies, you are now a product of spiritual gateway light falling on you. We have been preparing to enter this gateway from decades. This is the galactic portal that the illuminates has been talking about and have made sure that the process of higher souls entering this portal is delayed. For the awakened one’s it’s happened at a conscious and sub conscious level both. For some, we still haven’t crossed the portal. All this while, the lessons and choices you have made are according to your physical being desires, needs, wants. All this while you have spent time in nurturing your pain and wound that exist physically. Just like you, everyone else around is going through the same changes. The light that falls upon them may be strong for them to handle thus awakening under lying toxics and reflections from one person to an idea. The idea is to stand by every soul and help them realize what the light and its functioning all about. The light (or situations that cause pain in form of healing energies) provide for the release of under lying toxics, shifts in individual frequency, allowing us to enter to portal with much grace. This portal has been partly opened and only those awakened, with higher strength has managed to pass through it, battling out life and its problems on another realm. While you may go through various experiences that might awaken you to hard hitting reality, others may be blinded towards it. Now is the time it spread the light around and allows others to feel the shift. This can only happen if you show some compassion and love, towards making others realize the importance of their own being. While we went through it, we must have had our own masters, teachers, friends and family who probably made it easy for us. Today look around in your life and see all the people who need to go through this spiritual shift. Spiritual shift need not necessarily happen with spiritual learning. It can even happen with awareness brought about by love, compassion and understanding towards other soul. Allow them to experience a chance for the light to touch them. Allow them to feel it the way you felt it during your time. Help them realize, and dissolve their fears. See what they need and what they are battling out in their life and allow them to be present to it, just the way you did and you are right now to this message.
We are all parts of same soul group. Just our responsibilities are different. But in times like this, we all work for one cause which is making sure that the every soul of our soul group is able to cross through this galactic portal. Its importance. The importance of this cannot be explained right now, but in the near future, it will be revealed soon. For now we need to work as a team of the galactic plan and play our roles in allowing others to bring about a shift in them. If you feel somewhere you are also going through a shift and feel weak to help others around, allow you to understand the importance of the shift. Allow yourself to know that you deserve it and letting go of everything you are holding onto will be worth the shift.
It’s time to work as the torch bearers, for people in our personal life. While there are others who are doing the same, on a higher level and amongst masses, there are 144000 volunteer galactic light workers as human incarnates allowing people to pass through this portal. While they may be completing their purpose, today we as masters have allowed you to do the same, but first starting with yourself, and them allowing everyone in your family to find their light, so that they can spread it further on to the people in their life. We all work for a cause. The cause is holding the light that belongs to none but us. This light is our only saving grace in times to come.
Allow it to happen to you right now and only then you will find the will and importance of others finding their light.
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