30/3/2011 It has been such a painful process to find the love and people we hold onto today. Over years of giving into relationships, going through pain, facing break through and break downs, we stand up to build relationships which we think are concrete and important to us. While we do so, we forget the basic foundation of comfort. We are constantly at it, struggling to make our loved ones happy. Giving them what makes them happy, sticking through them, not realising how we over look our basic needs and security from a relationship for ourselves. As we have come along a long way in most of our relationships, tag be anything, we find ourselves becoming more restless and aggressive. Like we are aware of the energy transitions and we to a degree know the way it affecting our lives, it’s not necessary, that these energies are affecting our decisions. While we go through an upheaval, and energies that change our thought process, one aspect of it which remains UN affected is the aspect for us to get to a point of taking decisions. Times have started to change where people have become more intolerant towards their own loved ones, and have started to find a need, to take decisions in terms of the course of the relationship, the minute things don’t go their way. That’s probably why the rate of failed marriages and broken relationships are increasing. The minute there is a disagreement, we find a strong need to decide the future of our relationship. Why can an issue are dealt with it just like any other issue. Why must there be a constant need to get out of it, in spite of loving someone so much and wanting to hold the relationship. The pain that you carry from your past is somewhere still UN healed which acts as a catalyst in letting go. Something is still UN healed within us, that’s why we have started to get hurt so easily. We seem to go through life so strongly passing through the worse, but may be way we are going through now may not even be anywhere close to us. It could just be just another weak moment, so why the need to DECIDE, where the relationship is going or decide its working out or not. Why must we jump to conclusions of deciding the course when we keep blaming everything on fate and destiny? If you believe in pre ordained choices and akashic records, why must you even struggle bringing you to a point of taking a decisions which may not even work out well for you. It would have been easier to stick through an issue as a facing phase, rather than deciding on something contradicting to your akashic records and then still going through even more pain to battle it out. If you are going through any of the mixed emotions or issues in life, that call for a decision, take a decision of nothing taking a decision regarding the future, instead take a decision of what exactly can you d to resolve it for good. May be god wants you to read this to stop a mistake that you are about to make, or he simply wants you to see things on a macro level rather than a micro level. Letting go may bring you comfort for a short period of time, but may create a wound in the long run, and sticking through issues with loved one’s may bringing you pain temporarily but may heal a lot of wounds that are still left un healed. The power to let other’s heal you lies only within you. It’s just a matter of choices that you make.
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