Channelized messages from Kwan- Yin. 29/3/11 The new day that we have woken up to today, has bought stabilising and energies that will calm and slow the pace of our life. All good in a way. This phase is just what we needed. As the sun rises higher in the sky, we will see that the energies in our brains have started to clear up. This day is going to be filled with thought provoking ideas, without making us restless or hyper active. The pace at what we are going to work today is going to be easy and settling. Something that will comfort us in the times to come. It’s strange to see how the universal energies affect each and every soul on this earth. The only different is the effects are on various levels. For some it’s on physical, emotional, mental, karmic, relationships or financial level. As days pass by the energies will bring about the must required clarity that we need. It would be an ideal time to tap into your inner energy and match a pace that suits you well enough. As we move into the fire month of April, the light will bring about the knowledge, clarity or news that we have been waiting for. The shifts that people have gone through have been severe and people have somewhat started to realize the importance of mercy. Goddess Kwan Yin, of mercy and compassion has begin to bless souls with light of clarity and wisdom, so in the coming days, taking decisions and steps that will change the course of your life will be a lot easier. People, who have turned their back on you, will turn around to make peace. It may also be important for you to know that these energies are so powerful that at any time, your thought can arise from your being to the universal energies and get manifested before you even know. It would be a good time to keep a check on your thoughts today and for the few days to come. As we move into the fire month, this period is also going to be ideal for purification. A lot of purufication in your life must have already happened, but this period now will cut and burn all loose ends, making you feel more comfortable and secure with what you have and all the people that are left in your personal pace. With time you will realize that this is exactly what you wanted. The past is over and no point regretting about it. Also take time out to heal and let go of what has happened in the past. During this energy cycle, the process of releasing and letting go will be much more graceful and easier than ever before. Make the most of it this time, as Kwan-Yin rules this period and her energies are playing an important role in calming down relationships and situations. Gratitude will arise naturally once you sink into your life and are comfortable with your pace. Forgiveness for your deeds will also come to you provided you realize where you have gone wrong, and are willing to accept rather than being in denial about the same. These energies will have a lot to give you depending on your state of comfort. Be open to receiving but before that make an effort to implement of the clarity you have received. Sometimes we get clarity but not quite often we take steps to implement our decisions. The more you settle, the more comes your way. Just be in divine awareness and acceptance of the calming energies rather than getting restless and hyper un-necessary. Question your decisions and ask yourself- is what you are getting restless for what all those energies? This question will help you keep a check. Enjoy the moment of peace and calm that is entering earth’s energies. Make the most out of it, because we really don’t know what the next energy shift might bring to us.
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