Dear Friends, Readers, Healers and all the Light workers, Thank you for choosing to reach this point. I sincerely request you to please go through the following and also sharing this note and an important piece of knowledge with everyone else you can possible share it with. As you know about the work that I do I regards to spirituality and healing, apart from with I am a constant channelling medium. In my earlier note which describe the 9th wave ascension period, I have mentioned about the various energy shifts that are going to be taking place. I have tuned into more messages from higher frequency universal energies, and it’s high time for us as inhabitants of earth, to come together and pay back to Mother Earth and her energies, during this time of shift. We do not realize what effects the shift in mother earth’s energies can have on our life. While you may consider these shifts to be a part of your life and energies, there is a stronger force affecting it from behind. The Universal and Earth’s energies are constantly shifting and it’s getting very difficult to sustain the changes and uproar of energies and from the messages I have received, it’s just going to get tougher. While all our lives we have thrived on energies from mother earth, those are the energies that sustain all our lives, and in times of shifting and depleting energies that she goes through I request each and every being reading this to take charge and responsibility so send out positive energy back to her. One does not have to do any physical effort to pay back to her, but even a 2minute routine exercise can make a lot of difference in calming, healing and stabilising the transition period for mother earth, whose energies will further directly and indirectly affects the human race. While you may have questions as how you can contribute to Healing Mother Earth without even being a healer or light worker, below are very few exercises which you can follow 2-3 times a day at your own time convenience. ** Close your eyes sitting in a comfortable position. Imagine earth as a planet in front of you, and slowly imagine a beam of white light flowing from the surface into the core centre of mother earth, filling earth with bright white light. Allow the centre to be completely filled with white light and as you come to the surface envelope it with white light. For healers and light workers, you can do the came process: folding your palms facing each other, in the healing position. Imagine you holding mother earth, and similarly allow the healing process to continue. Once you fill it with white light, you may create a strong protection shield around the surface. Important note • This can be practiced at any given time for as much times varying from 1min-5mins. • Sometimes the colours you may say can also be blue, green or pink bright light, which is completely normal. Work with colours you find easy to see. • Initially it may be difficult to imagine, but with constant practice it will be clear. • You can pass on this exercise to as many as people you want. Spread the word, it’s time for us to support and heal the energies that have supported our lives today.
My name is Malakai Ray (english translation = Angel of Light) my energies have brought me to this link and I reconfirm all to be true above share, give, bless, love those who gave you light/existence; creator/universe in thought and/or physical nature so in return HEAL what HEALED you so you can grow in faith know that you are not the only one who has been gifted move fast, silent, swift yet humble and you will be fierce to those who drain the entirety of your life as they fall ignore there plea for they are going to have to go back to find out what to do with the help you did give no longer wish to receive to give to those who drain you. Make sure you get to know about the future of our lives together with the help of the most important part of the spectrum creator/universe those of LIGHT are now who you need to heal so that you can grow your own life of the LIGHT ...SLEEP and WAKE UP to LIGHT let the healing begin... please feel free to add me ALL SOCIAL MEDIA @TOPNOTCHTRAINER or call 1-877-K BOXING (1-877-526-9464)
ReplyDeleteMay I steal you picture of the earth for our healing blog. I would like to put it there asking people to send healing to our Mother Earth. My e-mail address is sheela.shadowbane@web.de