How to survive the Transition and energy shift Date – 28/3/11 As we move towards the shifting and transiting energies of Akashic records and various other universal energies, we need to understand that this is just on the physical energy shift. Apart from this, there will be various more energy changes taking place on a deeper, sub conscious and 5th dimensional level, which we are probably not aware of. While the entire world is talking about all possible situations that may occur, no one really is laying emphasis on how one can deal with these changes and survive through this transition period. There are a lot of other core changes happening on the core energy level, which will directly and indirectly be affecting human energies and more so important psyche. While we go through the energy shifts the shift will try to bring about transition and transcending in our deeper level of psyche but unfortunately due to lack of awareness we are constantly battling and fighting it out. On a sub conscious level we are resisting the energy shift which is happening within us, hence we feel drained out, tired, low, etc but all our energy is getting wasted in opposing the strong shifting energies on all levels. It would be easier for us to grow into the transforming energies and feel aligned with universal energies. There are few things to keep in mind before we work and prepare ourselves. While it may sound easy it may be equally difficult on the psychic level to let go of other energies that have already been existing within us. This is the psyche re-newel period. If you survive through this transition period within resisting the alignment of your energies along with your akashic records and other universal energies take place gradually and gracefully preparing you for sustaining. If you resist it, you will still be stuck in the same situations and over burdening energies. The choice is in your hands, and even if you don’t make a choice, that is the choice you make. To align you and go through their shift, one only needs to realize, learn and implement one basic core soul virtue, which is being responsible. Every soul deep within is carrying heaps of toxics which are connected to either other souls or situations that have taken place. The storage of these fragments in the psyche blocks the energy alignment. It’s a matter of time that we release all the blames that we keep within ourselves towards others, situations or even God. All our lives we have constantly blamed others for our journey and course of life. We need to understand the role that our soul has played in choosing this and also the role of universal energy that has supported us constantly for our higher good and well being. We need to release the under lying blocked energies and realize that only we are responsible for all the shifts and changes that have taken place within us. By this realising and taking responsibility of our own energies, we are letting go of all blocked energies which are clogging our psyche. By coming to acceptance with your true energies and beginning to align yourself with it, you will slowly begin to allow yourself with higher universal energies... in this process you will find yourself being a lot less resisting, and the transition will be more spiritual and transformative, than being draining and painful. It’s a simple but ultimate process of aligning yourself to the earth’s energy shift which will support your life through the up-coming transition phase. It’s going to be an important one. The affects and process is not completely known but we all need to be prepared for whatever situations we think can arise. The new will only come when the old is released. The new will be in alignment to all which is needed to co-exist. The more we hold onto the more our psyche will bleed. The more we release the more it will heal.
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