Sunday, April 10, 2011

Love your inner self- channelized message from kuthumi.

9th April. 2011

Dear readers,

I beloved Kuthumi from violet ascension flame bring to you messages for the clarity and decisions you need to make today.

As you go through this day, you will find a lot coming to you on the surface of your mind. What rises to the surface is somewhere there in your sub conscious mind and needs an outlet for release. When it comes to surface, make sure you just witness it rather than getting attached to it. Attachment causes fear and chaos. As you might encounter these thoughts and fears, you might be pushed or irked to take a stand or certain decisions which may or may not work out will.

What is important for you to realize it, in what favour the decision being taken? If you are taking a decision in the favour of suppressed thoughts and emotions, communications, etc, then it is the right time for you to take a strong stand for yourself.

If you are battling out your fears, insecurities and worried about the opposite personal and wish to take a decision for their being, then I’d say please take a back seat. You have taken complete responsibility for other’s doing s in life and now are the time for you to sit back and breathe. You need to know you deserve good and the highest power will come to you if you are able to accept it. Right now you are living with guilt and responsilbility to take charge of other s life and understand to the best of your ability. No relationship will function like that for long. Either you will land up being tired, or you will land up suppressing your true inner being.

It’s time for you to decide on what basis you wish to take a decision. The universal energies are supporting you, and I and my light workers will give you all the energy that you need to heal the pain thereafter.

It’s time for you to focus on your inner being , allowing it to shine out, rather than letting it grow in someone’s shadows of fear.

You deserve to shine and glow, just make way for the shadows to exit your life

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