Saturday, May 9, 2009

Journey of life.....By -Tamanna C ©2009

I woke up one morning
lying flat on the floor
I dint know where i was
People i called my own,
I cudnt see them anymore.
I could barely open my eyes
and look around....
I felt my throat was numb,
even if i tried, i could barely make a sound....
My soul was in pain,
and i could feel tears roll down my cheek...
not even in my weakest moments
I found myself so weak...
I tried to move,
stand up on my feet,
i found myself alone,
even in the silence, i couldnt feel my heartbeat....
I thought i was dead,
but the pain kept me alive,
I dont remember how i got there
but I dint see myself survive
I look around in vain
hoping someone will rescue me
there was not a soul,
nor a ray of light
in that darkness i could see.
I knew it was me alone
battling it out with life,......
It was my battle,
A battle between pain
and a broken heart.....
I never thought I could move
I never thought i could re start
I looked up in the dark
to find my heaven
But every inch of pain in my body
had my faith,torn apart....
I look up in the sky
and see the dark clouds passing by
Hoping sun will shine on me....
Hoping some ray of happiness ,soon I'll see...
but even with that hope,
all i could feel was pain
I wish in words those feelings
i could ever explain....

with the name of God,
I stood up and wiped my tears
I knew it was difficult
but i was ready to fight those fears.....
I gather all my strength
to forget that had happened in the past
cause deep inside i still had hope
that forever those memories are not going to last
I told myself that I have to smile
i told myself thats its going to be difficult walking that first mile,
but with every step,I found rays showing me my way,
With every step,I felt that smile on my face was there to stay,
As i moved on, step by step
I felt that pain turn to fire
A fire that noone would understand
A fire, that'll be my strength,
and help me withstand
no matter what comes my way....
It was a fire, a part of his light,
It was a fire that gave me courage to fight
not this cold world, cause that world is already dead
it was a fight of fear that inside my body,mind and soul, had spread....
its there no more
its all gone
a new soul filled with love and light
inside me is born.....
its about me... it could also someday be You....
this is wat i called the journey of life....
in words discovered,so simple and few......

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