Saturday, May 9, 2009

Looking for reasons.........By- Tamanna C ©2009

I cant feel anything anymore,
Its all so numb, its all so cold,
On this paper, the words out of my heart just pour,
I never wanted to,
But I had to walk out of the door.
Hoping to hear you call my name,
But before I realized everything was not the same...
I just wanted to hold you for one last time,
But you just turned your face and walked away,
I wish I could hold your hand
And forever with me you'd stay....
It tears me up, I try to hold on
But it hurts to much to say.
Worlds turning around,
For me it doesn’t exist.
I keep walking with a bare heart,
Cause nothing to cover it,
Nothing fits….Its broken in pieces,
I don’t know where it all scattered…
Even if I try to put them back,
I know its not going to matter.
Cause its lost the power to beat,
I keep looking for things,
In the corners ,Of lonely dark streets.
All I find in the darkness
No matter where I look around,
I cant find anything,
But shadows of me.
As I gather my strength,
And try to soar
Even the clouds aren't with me,they start to pour,
And I find myself fallen flat on the floor.
I wonder how and where,
I’ll gather the strength I need.
All I keep looking for now,
Is a reason for me to breathe……

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