Saturday, May 9, 2009

My place to hide.....................By- Tamanna C ©2009

I don't know where to hidewhen
I run from myself,
I don't know which door to knock on,
When I need some help.
I look around in vain,
Hoping something will let me in,
I keep knocking,hoping and praying,
But I have my doubts within.
I don't know where to hide,
When I run from my shadow.
I know I need to face it,
But I know not how...
I keep tossing and turning,
Looking for words to convince myself....
I don't know which door to knock on,
When I need some help...
Its like the world walking with you,
With every step you take,
But then there is no one,
You can call you own,
No one to stand by you,
Even if you make mistakes..
Its a crazy world out there,
As I walk outside my door.
People are always ready to cut your wings,
Just when you are ready to soar.
It makes me feel sad,
To see people around change,
People you call you own,
Can sometimes be strange.
I don't know whether to let go,
Or to hold on to something thats only in my mind...
I don't even know in this world exist,
What I am trying to find.
I still keep looking for places,
With my shadow, I still have those races.
I know what I want is something so rare,
Thats why the place i find to hide,
Is my prayer............

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