Saturday, May 9, 2009

To my soul sister.,......®by-- Tamanna C

Dear Krishna... this one s for you....

It brings a smile on my face,
To think abt us,
To think about the crazy times ,
We've spent together,
How we've stuck by each other,
Even during the rough weather,
You are my strength
You are my friend
You are someone,
I know who'll be there till the end,
We'll b there to fight it out,
Just for your happiness I'll always pray..

You've stood by me ,
Through good and bad,
I know there would be tears in ur eyes,
If I was ever sad...
I am glad I met you,
cause you've shown me the meaning,
Of friendship, that is so true
Whatt I love about US is
That we both know we are stronger than this...
Seasons may change,
People will come and go....
May be not very often
To you I show,
What and how I feel for you
You are my best friend,
My sister
My strength,
My pillar,
My power to survive
Anything life will put me through....

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